News & Events
Collective exhibit by Brazilian painters in Castelo de Vide, Portugal
The event took place in the City Hall building, and we were received by the city mayor together with the chamber of councilmen, where a cultural interchange agreement was signed by curator Maria dos Anjos, from Anjos Art Gallery in Sao Paulo, representing the delegation of Brazilian artists.
We Contemporary Art Show 2018
Palermo - Italy
The exhibit, promoted by Musa International Art Space, brought together artists from various countries in Palazzo Castrone Santa Ninfa, in Palermo. During the event, an art book was launched, containing works of all participant artists.
Rome - Maestri Oggi
Exhibit held in Palazzo Velli - Piazza S. Egidio, in the heart of Rome, under curatorship of Leonarda Zappulla and organized by Art Now Gallery, from Palermo. The works were published in the book "Masters of Today."
31st Art Exhibition by C.A.
São Paulo - Pinheiros
The 31st Art Exhibition Award promoted by the Commercial Association of Sao Paulo, where I was awarded the honorable mention in the modern category. The exhibit took place in the Monumental Hall, in the building of Legislative Assembly of São Paulo state.
International Prize Giulio Cesare - Art Emperor – Rome – Italy
Award held in Velli Palace, Rome, where I was awarded the Giulio Cesare trophy and had my work "Raios Raízes" (Lightning Roots) published in the Art International Contemporary Magazine.
Exhibit in Hubertendorf Castle, Aus
The exhibit "Art is life. Life is Art" was held by the Austrian gallery Paks Gallery, in one of its units inside the Hubertendorf Castle, in Blindenmarkt, Austria. I presented
Collective exhibit in Joh Mabe gallery, in Sao Paulo
Under the curatorship of Maria dos Anjos, from Anjos Art Gallery, in Sao Paulo, the collective exhibit "Encontros" (Encounters) was held at Joh Mabe Espaço Arte & Cultura gallery.
Vernissage for Agenda Arte 2018 (Art Schedule 2018) – Celebrating the uropean Cultural Heritage Year
Vernissage and exhibit held from 01/28/18 to 02/10/18 at Espaço Paulista de Arte in Sao Paulo. The event promoted the launch of Agenda Arte 2018 (Art Schedule 2018) in which I had three works published. The event was organized by the curator Maria do Anjos, from Anjos Art Gallery.
Exhibit at Paks Gallery
Vienna, Austria
From January 26th to April 24th 2018, the collective exhibition was held with artists form various countries. I participated displaying the work "Arco-Íris" (Rainbow).
Exposição no Museu du Louvre
em Paris na França
Feira internacional de arte, a Artshopping, foi realizada no espaço Carrossel du Louvre dentro do Museu, e reuniu artistas e galerias de todo o mundo. Participei com a obra "Raios Raízes" no stand de Eric Art de São Paulo.
Exhibit at the Louvre Museum
Paris, France
Artshopping, international art fair was held in Carousel du Louvre, inside the museum, and brought together artists and galleries from all over the world. I presented the work "Raios Raízes" (Lightening Roots) in the Eric Art booth, from Sao Paulo.
Exhibit in Dubai
The exposition "Colours of Brazil" was held at The Dubai International Art Centre. The event was organized by Eric Art, from Sao Paulo. I participated displaying the work "A fenda" (The Crack).